Picture of a Rotating skateboard in 3-D     Think of Greg     Picture of a Rotating skateboard in 3-D
Jan. 25th 1981 - Sept.15th 2001
This web site is dedicated to the memory of Greg Singleton, Milford, Ohio, USA

Recent photo of Greg with Blonde, Red hair
Like a comet blazing across the evening sky
Gone too soon
Like a rainbow fading in the twinkling of an eye
Gone too soon
Shiny and sparkly,splendidly bright here one day,
Gone one night
Like the loss of sunlight on a cloudy afternoon
Gone too soon
Like a castle built on a sandy beach
Gone too soon
Born to amuse, to inspire, to delight
Here one day gone one night
Like a sunset dying with the rising of the moon
Gone too soon, Gone too soon!!!

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Just look to the second star from the right and you'll feel him very close in your heart.
Message Board
Picture of Greg lying on the couch taking it easy Scooby Doo

We Love and Miss You Greg

This site is for Greg's friends and family and we hope it is a place you will visit often whenever you feel the need to be close to Greg. Although he is gone from our lives we choose to keep him close in our hearts and in our thoughts.

Before I Go
life hurts so bad
don't want you sad
just look back
to good times we had
I'd give my soul for you I know
want to hold you before I go
before I go
I need you to know
I'm still alive in you
it's my time to go
don't stay up late
I'm not afraid
and I don't want your heart to break
I know I've seen what's been unseen
live fast die young
it's part of me
it's my time now
I need you to know
before I go

A Message to Everyone,
Greg touched alot of people in his life.  Greg's memory lives on through these people.   This last year has not been easy for those touched by this tragedy.   I'm sure we will all find comfort in the healing process by sharing our feelings of loss and standing together, no matter how much it still hurts.   Greg's family greatly appreciates your support, especially at this time.  If you are ever Thinking of Greg and want to let someone know how much you miss him - sign the Guest book, - post a message on the board or - share your feelings with a member of his family (they always enjoy hearing from his friends).   When you're feeling sad and blue, just Think of Greg - somewhere in there you're gonna find a smile or a heart warming laugh.

Please check out our new
Information  page, for those surviving a suicide loss. Also, I've added a Links  page, listing sites with suicide information and ways to deal with grief. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in young people (ages 20 - 25). On average, at least 6 people are affected by every suicide, remember, you are not alone.

If you ever feel you need help coping with suicidal thoughts, contact the National Hopeline Network at 988, they provide access to trained telephone counselors, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Bless you one and all... Greg's Cousin, Nancy

Please send site inquires to Greg's cousin, Nancy.
© ThinkofGreg.net, All Rights Reserved.