Picture of a Rotating skateboard in 3-D     Think of Greg     Picture of a Rotating skateboard in 3-D
Jan. 25th 1981 - Sept.15th 2001
This web site is dedicated to the memory of Greg Singleton, Milford, Ohio, USA

   A letter for everyone   
I am a suicide survivor and if you are reading this, then you must be to. Even if you were only touched in a small way by Greg you are still a survivor.

One of the hardest things in this world is being left behind by someone you love or cared about. Knowing that you can't see them, touch them, or even call them.

I get up every day and the first thought I have is of Greg. I have never felt an emptiness like this in my life. It's like I have a hole inside of me and it will never heal. I love Greg more than mere words can express and I'm sure many of you loved him to. That is why I am asking you to please stop and think the next time you hear someone say they are going to kill themself. Take them seriously and call someone that can help them. We don't need to lose anyone else that we know and love to suicide so think before you say or do something you may regret later in life.

I know there are some people that have lots of guilt over Greg's death and you know who you are.

Me, I deal with guilt everyday. I am his mother I should have known something was wrong. I should have been there to take away his pain and hurt but I wasn't and I will live with that for the rest of my life.

I sit in his room and wonder what was going through his head that day to make him take such a drastic action. I'll never know and no one can ever tell me because no one but Greg will ever know.

He left a beautiful daughter behind that will now have to grow up without ever knowing her dad. She would have loved him so much just as much as he loved her. I know Jessi will keep his memory alive for her and Chuck, Danielle, and I will help her. I know Jessi's parents and brother and sister will make sure that she never forgets her dad either. We have some very good friends that loved Greg and will make sure that he is never forgotten.

Hailey is loved so much and now she has her very own angel to watch over her.

Greg, keep both eyes on her because she is a handful and always remember how much I love you. I always will.

Thank you all so much for the friendship you showed my son and if any of you ever need to talk to someone I will always be here for you. If you just feel the need to laugh or cry with someone I'm here.

Betty, Greg's Mom

Here are some sites that have helped me and may help you too:

Survivors of suicide Suicidial.com Surviving Suicide

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Please send site inquires to Greg's cousin, Nancy.
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